Our Mission

Shemrock World is an institution where the child blossoms to full potential with the cherished mission “Let the light of knowledge spread.” The mission of the school is to prepare the young to educate themselves for throughout their lives, based on integrity in thought, word and action with high moral values, life skills, sensitivity and compassion of high order.


Our philosophy aims:

  • to create a community of 21st century learners and world class citizens by developing competencies like technological literacy, collaborative problem solving skills, critical thinking, creativity, communication and life skills above these all.
  • to create leadership skills and making them aware that the youngsters of today will be leaders of tomorrow in all spheres of life.
  • to create belief in world harmony, peace and co-operation.


  • To prepare the students towards the achievement of academic excellence in the context of lifelong learning.
  • To provide the students with social skills, emotional maturity and psychological fortitude.
  • To promote among the students intellectual flexibility and creativity.
  • To train the students, through aesthetic education, to appreciate the finest human endeavour in the fields of art, culture and literature.